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Volunteer Opportunities
Give The Gift of Your Time To Help Pets in our Community
Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated!
If you would like to volunteer, please call 256 539-8163.
Work in our Thrift Shop - Sort donations. Assist customers. If you'd like to volunteer, come by the shop and talk with us - we'd love to have you join us! We'll work with your schedule; we can use all the help we can get, any time we can get it! To volunteer, please call 256-541-4840.
Help with Fund-raising Events
Distribute Brochures - To advertise the Qualifying Program, volunteers put out brochures in businesses throughout the county.
Return Phone Calls - SNAP volunteers answer any number of questions from our clients.
Participate in Community Outreach
Foster and Cats and Kittens
Care for Animals
Adoption Counseling

Help make a difference and sign up
to volunteer today!
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